For Rent - 171 E. Finland Ln, Citrus Springs
The huge tray ceiling in this master bedroom and the oversized, lighted pantry in the kitchen add special touches to this beautiful 3 bed/2 bath home in Citrus Springs, Florida now available for rent. Get to know this newly constructed home in Florida’s best kept secret - The Nature Coast!

Turn your rent into a mortgage payment and unlock the door to homeownership!
If you’re tired of paying your landlord's mortgage and yearn for the privacy and freedom to customize your living space, maybe it’s time to stop renting and consider the joys of home ownership.

Top 10 tips for renters when looking for a new apartment
A real estate investor and landlord gives his best advice on what renters should consider when looking for a new place to live.

Renting vs Buying: Your best option depends on your situation
Everyone wrestles with the question of whether to buy a home or just keep renting. There are many factors to consider, and our handy guide will make the decision easier for you.