The Heart of Our Homes
In the midst of a bustling real estate market where residential home builders vie for attention, what is it that makes one truly stand out over another? Is it simply the price tag and the quality of the craftsmanship, or is there an elusive X factor that propels them toward an unrivaled success?
The perceived idea of the American Dream is different for everyone, but for our team at Homes by AnnDavid, Inc., it’s about opportunity. The opportunity for achievement. The opportunity to reach for a different future. The opportunity to live a good life. Cory Winningham, a larger-than-life southern gentleman, is the president and co-founder of Homes by AnnDavid, a company he started 17 years ago with his wife, Deborah, but he’s been in the real estate game far longer than that. He’s no Wall Street type. He’d tell you he’s just the average down-home guy standing next to you at the drugstore. But there’s nothing average about what Homes by AnnDavid brings to building homes or why our company feels Florida is THE place to put down roots.
John Telford (left), one of Cory’s business partners, and Cory Winningham (right) reviewing construction plans for a new home – © Homes by AnnDavid, Inc.
For many people, the goal of purchasing their own home - let alone building one - seems an unattainable feat, especially these days. Homes by AnnDavid is working hard to dispel those notions. Our team has a passion for talking to first-time home buyers, encouraging them to dream and to consider a place we believe offers them everything to build a full and enriching life - Florida. We believe Florida offers freedom, multicultural neighborhoods, and diverse social and recreational activities that give life depth, all with a lower cost of living than many other places in the United States. Granted, today’s first homes are dramatically different from those of our grandparents or your great-grandparents. There’s an expectation of certain amenities that previous generations rarely imagined. But for the average middle-class family, even in the current market, Homes by AnnDavid believes Florida - and particularly Florida’s Nature Coast - offers affordable opportunities for homeowners to build what they want, instead of settling for buying what they don’t.
At Homes by AnnDavid, we strive for our homes to stand out and be elegantly different from our competition. It’s why our designs often include a myriad of modern features - “the frosting” - as Cory would call it. Amenities like all-wood, soft-close cabinetry, architectural details like tray ceilings and active dormers for plenty of interior natural light, granite countertops, upgraded electrical systems, quality equipment like Carrier air conditioners, bold color options, covered porches and patios to soak in all the gorgeous outdoor living Florida has to offer - there’s nothing flat about the details and finishes we use to enhance our homes. We enjoy adding sparkle and giving a house life before it’s even occupied. Perceived luxury and craftsmanship at affordable prices.
While that might sound like a sales pitch, you only need to chat with our team once to realize the sincerity of our vision. Cory himself has the gift of gab, but he’s also an intent listener and he expects the same from the talented team he’s assembled around him. No matter who you are - first-time buyers, retirees looking to downsize from a larger family home, or someone in between - we excel at putting ourselves in your shoes. We enjoy learning what’s important to a customer and painting the picture of what’s possible. Cory’s arresting sense of humor and southern charm make customers feel like family. They bounce from uncertainty to excitement in a matter of minutes because we are enthusiastically crafting their story. We’re planning their home and dreaming alongside them, already imagining what the finished project will look like.
Cory Winningham hard at work clearing a lot for new construction – © Homes by AnnDavid, Inc.
Building your home is as personal to us, as it is to you. This is a team who pictures where your Christmas tree will stand as we’re putting together a floor plan. We envision the space needed for that holiday table your family will gather around. Cory personally inspects every home, in every stage of development, to ensure the quality workmanship he expects is being delivered. As the framework goes up, he chuckles to himself imagining children running down hallways. On occasion, he writes inspiring messages on a piece of paper and hides it inside the wall for future generations to find. Homes by AnnDavid wants to leave its mark on every home we build and in the hearts of the people we’re building for. Customers often invite us back after they’ve moved in to see how they've decorated and personalized their home. There’s no greater gift than being welcomed into their private space and feeling like our team has given them a foundation to start their new journey.
It’s the same solid foundation Cory builds with the team that surrounds him. When you watch the accompanying video he casually recorded with his cell phone, listen to his words and the sentiments they convey. His genuine thoughtfulness and warmth embody the culture of Homes by AnnDavid, Inc. His philosophy is simple. Take care of your people and they will take care of you and your customers. There was a time when being a solo player in real estate was more appealing to him - just he and Deborah working hard to do what they love. But with his deep-seated faith, Cory believes that a higher power is in control and connects him with the right people at the right time, with skills that complement and elevate his own. In the last several years, he’s developed relationships with the right business partners - Bill Emery, a 40-year veteran in the financial services and insurance industry, and John Telford, whose background includes a career in marketing and advertising - and Homes by AnnDavid started growing in new directions. Cory views himself as the coach of that team, helping people develop themselves, and encouraging them to bring new ideas and bold creativity to the table. Always full of surprises, you’d never guess this folksy fellow is an avid Star Trek fan - the original series from the late 60s, mind you. Cory is a bit like Captain Kirk on the Starship Enterprise, with his most trusted people beside him on the bridge charting a new course together each week.
Cory Winningham (left) and Bill Emery (right), Cory’s other business partner, work on installing a temporary electrical pole at a new job site – © Homes by AnnDavid, Inc.
He credits his management style to the mentors he had in the first half of his career as “a meat guy” at Publix, a company that has been named to Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For List for 25 consecutive years. In fact, Publix is 1 of only 4 companies to make that list every year since its inception in 1998. Given that the company has been in business since 1930 and its largest shareholders are its employees, it stands to reason their leadership is doing something right. It’s a company that has held firmly to its core values for decades and Cory has modeled that culture in his own endeavors. He’d tell you life might have been a little easier at Publix because there was always another decision-maker above him calling the shots and now his ever-growing business rests squarely on his shoulders. But he’d also say there’s nothing better than starting each day working for yourself, excited about the challenges and creativity that await him in building a new slate of homes.
“Because we have something more than a house to sell,” he shared. “It’s a message of hope. Hope for living day to day in a place of peace and fulfillment, and for delivering a quality home that helps enrich the lives of the people who reside there.”